The OmniLYF Blog

 78% of People Failed. How to Find the Job You’ll Love? 

By Bobby Fausett – January 15th, 2019

Most people don’t love their jobs.  In fact, 78% of people are either not engaged at work or they are actively seeking another job. That’s three quarters of the American population that would be happier doing something else. And while that seems to be a lot, that number is probably not high enough. If you consider there are over 12,000 different jobs, the sheer odds of picking the profession that would make you the happiest are not good. 
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How to Choose a Career Path

By Bobby Fausett – January 13th, 2019

Isn’t it crazy that we use better tools to pick where we are going to eat than we do to choose what our profession is going to be for the next 40 years? Think about it. What is the typical job selection process?

We narrow down the 12,000 options1 for our career paths based on jobs we’ve been exposed to, what we’ve been told we’d be good at, which jobs have the best salaries, and which jobs are most likely to have work in the future. 

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